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Ashura Day šŸŽ‰ šŸŽ

Hoping you can accept and enjoy it as it was centuries ago. According to Muslim tradition, when the waters of the Great Flood began to recede, Hz. It is said that Noah and his family gathered all the food left in Ark and cooked a delicious pudding from it. Also known as Noah's Custard, the name given to this dish is "Aşura".

Anatolian people and other Muslims have made it a habit to prepare and share this pudding in this casserole in order to thank Allah and the memory of Prophet Noah, neighbours and friends.

Sharing food provides a way to reaffirm oneness and the fundamental relationship people have with one another, regardless of personal belief, background, or creed. To continue this beautiful tradition and expand the experience of sharing, love, peace and compassion, we present you an example of Noah's homemade pudding. We made it and share with our neighbours. You can try to make it too. Bon Appetit!



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